Robb Report: These Cabernets from BRION Will Change How You Think About Napa Cabs

Robb Report: These Cabernets From Brion Will Change How You Think About Napa Cabs
Sara L. Schneider, May 2021
“Brion Wise has employed not one, but three, winemakers to coax the best out of his four vineyards’ terroir.…‘My intent was, and is, to marry each vineyard with a winemaker whose style best fits what comes from the land.’ That human understanding is critical, in Wise’s view, to making the best wine possible from a place. ‘What you do in the vineyard,’ he says, ‘goes all the way through to the bottle. Having winemakers that understand that, and understand what the vineyard delivers and how to extract that is everything. Farming techniques are critical in this process, and our philosophy is not to change what the vineyard delivers.’...The deft—and different—hands in these vineyards and on the wines show, and create a snapshot of diversity in the BRION 2016 lineup that Napa critics often fail to see.”